Pallet Rack Safety Inspections
Pallet rack is such a sturdy fixture in the warehouse environment that it often goes unnoticed during routine safety inspections. With forklifts battering them every day, solid looking rack can have compromised uprights, overloaded beams, and loosened bolts just waiting for one more impact for catastrophe to ensue. Before OSHA comes to visit, have a professional team of inspectors assess your racks and provide a detailed report with documentation of each defect and recommendations. When is the last time someone took a good look at the integrity of your pallet rack?

Keys to Pallet Rack Safety
1. Level up
Are your racks level? It is a crucial question that can determine the safety and stability of your entire system. Even small misalignments can put your operation at risk. Make sure to have your system thoroughly inspected and make any necessary adjustments.
2. Watch out for rust
Even the sturdiest metal racks can be susceptible to rust and corrosion. Keep an eye out for any signs of a compromised exterior, which can signal weakness underneath and increase the risk of collapse. Do not forget to check for scrapes and dings, which can indicate collisions.
3. Assess your load capacity
Are you overloading your racks? It is important to perform regular analysis to ensure that you are not putting too much stress on your system. Check the load limits of your racks and make sure you are within those parameters. Do not risk catastrophic damage or injury by working with an unfit system.
4. Check Deflection Levels
A little deflection is natural in load beams when they bear weight. However, it should disappear once the load is removed. If the deflection persists, it is time to replace the beams. A permanent deformation can be a sign of beam weakening, which can pose a safety risk. To put it in perspective, a 96-inch beam should not bow more than half an inch or 1/180th of its total length.
5. Structural damage
Are your uprights or beams bent or twisted? Are the footplates securely fastened to the floor? And do not forget about column protectors – they need to be in solid condition to protect the upright from harm.
6. Inspect Upright Attachment
Check the connection between the load beams and uprights. The beams should sit properly into the uprights. Look out for any broken welds or damage that can compromise the connection. Ensure all safety clips and bolts are tightened and in place, especially for bolted systems.
By thoroughly inspecting your pallet rack system you are taking important steps to ensure the safety and productivity of your warehouse. Do not let small issues go unnoticed – tackle them head-on to prevent larger problems down the line.
While our guidelines provide a solid foundation, it is always wise to hire a professional rack inspector to ensure that your systems meet local and industry code standards.