Structural Steel Pallet Racks
A structural steel pallet rack is a specialized type of pallet rack made from hot rolled, high resistant structural steel. Its strength makes it great for those high capacity applications. These uprights are bolted warehouse shelving systems and have 4” centers for placement of the beams (some manufacturers offer 2” adjustability for the beams). The large footplate is welded to the bottom of the post and has pre-drilled holes for either standard or seismic capacities. We have whatever style, capacity, or type of structural pallet rack upright you might need, including components to provide safety and support in those high forklift traffic areas or in supporting tunnel bays. These pictures show the support structures of the steel warehouse shelving uprights that can match your needs. The horizontal braces provide rigidity and support, whether welded in place or bolted in place. The foremost post can be angled to allow less impact in high traffic areas or be made into a double column to provide impact resistance and double strength. The beams can be a standard C-Channel Structural beam or for those needing some structural capacity but not all structural components and looking to save some money there are Roll-formed Step beams available. As can be seen from the picture at the left these beams are still connected with nuts/bolts and so provide the strength and capacity needed for Structural Rack. Contact us at Outsource Equipment Company to find out which warehouse shelving systems you need at your application.